It becomes harder to get him to stop. Even the smallest dog can let loose a volley of yelps at a high pitch that can wake the neighborhood. If your dog is trained to respond to "stop barking" on cue, you'll find it much easier to control his barking, making for a happier you and a quieter neighborhood! If you're in the habit of confining your pet to a kennel or chained in the yard for long periods of time, he feels frustrated and bored, and before long you have a cacophony of barks coming from the yard. Remember, once a dog gets into the habit of barking out of boredom, he begins to enjoy it. Be consistent in your reactions to his barking. Dogs bark as a means of communication, the same way humans talk. An effective way to get around this confusion is to use obedience training. If you'd rather he's crated, keep the crate in a central place in the house like the family room or the kitchen where he's never alone. When you chain him in the yard, and allow him access only to your immediate surroundings, your dog runs out of things to do, and feels bored.
He needs to experience new sights and smells.Make use of toys and puzzles to help occupy your pet and prevent boredom. Expecting your dog not to bark is unrealistic. Having the sound of people all around him calms him down. Dogs need stimulation, and they need exercise. Make sure you take your dog for walks regularly. You may not be aware of it, but your dog could be completely confused by your reaction to his barking. Use the "Stop barking" command in a loud voice when he begins, and if he stops immediately, give him a treat right then, and praise him and pet him.
Other sites provide a platform for frustrated residents who refuse to tolerate barking dogs in their neighborhood. As an owner, you might praise him barking when he's excited to see you, and might encourage him to bark when someone's at the door .If you're in the habit of rushing to your dog or turning your attention to him as soon as he barks, you're establishing an action -reward relationship in his mind. If you can't handle noise, and would rather have a pet who's deathly silent though out the day, you should probably get a cat.
Using obedience training for your dog is not only a great mental stimulant for the dog (which reduces the need to bark), but also a good way to help your dog recognize when you need him to stop barking. Make sure you give your pet plenty of exercise - at least two walks a day is ideal. If you scold him when he's barking when you're asleep, he's confused about whether barking is good or bad. Don't take a dog bounding about your garden to be a happy dog - he could be fidgety and restless, waiting to get out.
Why Does your Dog Bark
A dog who barks constantly ignoring all commands to stop could be doing so out of boredom. If you have trouble getting your dog to quieten down, don't underestimate the extent of the problem. He thinks all he has to do to get your attention is bark, and so he continues. And therein lies the problem with your dog barking.
There are groups of frustrated citizens who post videos of their neighbor's dog barking on the Internet to make a case against the owner. When they are robbed of either of these, they vent their pent up energy in barking. Don't ignore a barking dog's nuisance factor .If he has been house trained, allow him free rein in your house up to certain limits. People have filed lawsuits against their neighbors over their pet's constant barking.
How to Stop Your Dog Barking
Dogs are social animals, unlike cats. The number of people who are willing to tolerate a dog that's barking constantly in the neighborhood, is rapidly shrinking. Practice this constantly until he makes the connection between quieting down and the reward. It's an extremely annoying thing to have to force your neighbors to tolerate. If he yelps even once after the command is given, scold him, but don't whack him. Dogs by their very nature, are noisy, exuberant and loud. Your dog could also be barking to get your attention because you unknowingly taught him that barking gets your attention. They love being around people, and even other dogs.
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